Malaria Futures for Africa and Asia.
600,000 children a year die from malaria and it is predicted that almost all children could be saved with only three doses of a medication that can be made available at a low cost for heavily affected countries. There have been many conferences and consultations held regarding malaria in Africa and Asia. However, no gathering, until now, has focused on how policymakers and stakeholders in Africa and Asia could rethink about this issue and, in turn, reimagine the future.
To make progress against malaria a key domestic issue and give donors and partners a reliable insight into the policy priorities of heavily affected countries. This is critical because the existing malaria parasite is slowly becoming resistant to existing medicines.

The Work
Over the course of three studies (Africa, Asia, and further African countries), FINN secured and conducted in-country interviews with over 130 malaria experts, policymakers, and policy influencers in countries throughout Africa and South Asia.
The results of the study were widely disseminated through various channels. Launch events were held in Nairobi, Dakar, and London over two days, while press events were held in Bangkok and Brazzaville. An online press event was also held. Media relations were established with European, Anglophone African, and Francophone African media, and Op-eds and by-lined articles were placed in Africa, Europe, and the USA. The content was created, and community engagement was facilitated across social media, with geo-targeting and translation of content into local languages. Finally, global health professionals involved in malaria in specific countries were hyper-targeted.