News and Insights

The Change Makers for The Purpose-Driven Landscape

January 3, 2024

The ChangeMakers for the Purpose-Driven Landscape’ ebook ventures deep into the world of purpose, social impact, and sustainability, with profound insights, real-world case studies, and actionable strategies from the thought leaders in CSR, ESG, Sustainability, and Purpose.

This eBook delves into the heart of purpose-driven endeavors, illustrating how businesses can align their strategies with societal betterment while concurrently enhancing their bottom line. Inside its pages, you will find contributions from industry thought leaders who illuminate how organizations in these dynamic markets strategically align their values with ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles to craft enduring reputations.

This insightful eBook also unveils the 40 social ranking factors from the ‘FINN Purpose Alignment Index’. These factors illuminate a clear path for businesses eager to leave a meaningful and positive imprint on society.

‘The Change Makers for the Purpose-Driven Landscape’ eBook is poised to serve as a roadmap for organisations seeking to navigate the dynamic and evolving landscape with purpose and vision. By embracing the principles and practices outlined within, organizations can cultivate a sustainable future, demonstrating their commitment to a better world.​