Go’el Jasper

Managing Partner, Digital Health Innovation Leader
(972) 2-589-2002

Professional Experience

Following my childhood, I matured and realized there was more to communication than televised sports. I began with a DC PR agency internship in 1991, and built my career from there. Five years at Hill & Knowlton, followed by another 20 years focusing on tech, health and innovation for both agencies and in-house. I’ve been with FINN since its founding in 2011, and have been working with Peter Finn since 2005. Clients appreciate my candor, because they much prefer the value of insight and execution over diplomacy.

I don't speak because I have the power to speak; I speak because I don't have the power to remain silent.

- Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook

How'd you get here

Most kids watch sports to follow their favorite teams. But I was different. I watched to hear the announcers. Bob Costas. Brent Musberger. Al Michaels. Costas never made a mistake while talking baseball. Musberger had a fantastic rhythm as he called college hoops. Michaels had the perfect balance: excitement and calm. It was clear to me that I wanted to follow their examples and become a professional communicator. So here I am, decades later, offering a balance of passion and thought to every client assignment.