Professional Experience
I know my way around words, pictures, soundwaves and film, and have learned to create campaigns across several different types of media and channels. I love the conception phase and strategic development of plans, but to this day sometimes just want to write a press release or edit a film, if it’s needed for a project. My career started mostly in the B2B Technology sector, but by now I’ve worked for brands, associations, organizations and destinations in several other fields, like Consumer, Travel & Tourism, Education, Industry, Health and Finance. However, I’m still very much driven by modern technology – to me, modern PR and marketing need to utilize as much data as possible to make a campaign successful, no matter who the audience is.
Aside from my day job at Finn Partners, I have gone back to my Alma Mater several times to teach “Introduction to brand and marketing communications”, training the next generation to follow in our footsteps.
God is not on the side of the big battalions, but on the side of those who shoot best.
- Voltaire
How'd you get here
When the time came to decide on a job, I was at a crossroads between becoming a math teacher, or a journalist; I decided to choose the latter. After several internships and freelance gigs for newspapers and radio, my university curriculum expected me to take a PR seminar, and at the same time, I started a first PR internship – not knowing that I’d stay in that profession.
So, after studying language & literature, communications & journalism, history, and sociology, my first proper job saw me land a traineeship at a small PR agency in Munich, which was shortly thereafter acquired by Finn Partners to build the German foothold of the company. Today, I’m still sitting in the same desk chair but am heading the German operations of the company.